environmental preservation

 Protecting the beaches between Taba, Nuweiba and Dahab

  • The NGO runs continuous patrolling shifts, constituted of a group of trained Bedouins, equipped with cars and a speed boat.
  • Removing illegal fish traps. More than 600 were removed.
  • Banning the fishing of sea cucumbers.
  • Banning fishing with tiny holed nets.
  • Ensuring that no one touches nor harms the coral reefs.
  • Raising awareness among hotels, resorts and fishermen about marine violations in cooperation with the water surfaces' police and the protectorate administration of the Ministry of Environment.
  • The NGO joins the water surfaces' and protectorates' police in regular campaigns to spot violations.



Protecting the beaches between Nuweiba and Taba.

  • The NGO runs continuous patrolling shifts, constituted of a group of trained Bedouins, equipped with cars and a speed boat.
  • Removing illegal fish traps. More than 400 were removed.
  • Banning the fishing of sea cucumbers.
  • Banning fishing with tiny holed nets.
  • Ensuring that no one touches nor harms the coral reefs.
  • Raising awareness among hotels, resorts and fishermen about marine violations in cooperation with the environment and water surfaces police and the protectorate administration of the Ministry of Environment.
  • The NGO joins the environment, water surfaces and protectorates police in regular campaigns to spot violations.


 Signing and activating a co-operation protocol between Hemaya NGO and the EEAA (Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency) to protect and develop Abu Galoum protectorate

  1. Abu Galoum protectorate, covering an area of 400km2, protects the unique (marine and mountain) ecosystems along the Aqaba Gulf. The area differs dramatically from other protectorates on the gulf.

  2. The coastal area contains undisturbed coral reefs with high diversities of coral reef fish and associated flora and fauna. Evidence of the richness of the area can be seen on the shorelines covered with shells of various mollusk groups. Careful inspection of gravel beaches will reveal an abundance of the snail Nerita sp., their shells colored and patterned to blend perfectly with granitic or basaltic pebbles found on beaches.

  3. The reef at Abu Galoum supports an active Bedouin artisanal fishery

  4. 40 Bedouin families live in Abu Galoum in two main communities, El Dahila village and El Omaid Village. Fishing is the main profession beside working in Ecotourism.

  5. Abu Galoum is among the most picturesque protectorates in the country. With its high mountains, narrow sinuous valleys (wadi), freshwater springs, coastal sand dunes, gravel alluvial fans, raised fossil coral reefs and low lying saline “sabkha”, it is not surprising that this small area of Sinai peninsula houses 165 plant species. Of these, 44 species are seen only in this protectorate.

  6. The main problem facing the protectorate is the volume of floating garbage reaching its shores. Despite regular cleaning, the problem persists.

  7. The fishery is now being regulated by the EEAA to reduce damage to the coral reef.

  8. The natural conservation sector, Ministry of Environment has experienced a very unique experience when, Dr. Mostafa Fouda the head of the sector signed a cooperation protocol with Hemaya NGO. Through the protocol a lot of activities have been achieved:
- Organizing a vet campaign to treat and vaccinate the camels.
- Building a camel station big enough for 300 camels.
- Produce guide maps with the GPS system for diving and awareness.
- Endowing Abu Galoum protectorate with specialist cameras.
- Organizing many underwater cleaning campaigns.
- Arranging various gatherings to co-ordinate between diving centers and the protectorate.
- Making a 3d detailed aerial plan for the protectorate as a first step toward establishing a master  plan for further development.
- Running various marine patrols with cooperation with the protectorate rangers to enforce the environmental laws.
- Running a training course on evaluating marine life for the protectorate rangers and researchers.
- Funding and carrying out an underwater survey to record and document the underwater marine life in the whole protectorate, covering more than 20 km long with collaboration with the marine biology department at Suez University.
- Setting four Guiding Signs made of Aluminum to distinguish the possible diving zones within the protectorate. This was carried out in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Foundation.


    rotecting the beaches between Nuweiba and Taba.

    • The NGO runs continuous patrolling shifts, constituted of a group of trained Bedouins, equipped with cars and a speed boat.
    • Removing illegal fish traps. More than 400 were removed.
    • Banning the fishing of sea cucumbers.
    • Banning fishing with tiny holed nets.
    • Ensuring that no one touches nor harms the coral reefs.
    • Raising awareness among hotels, resorts and fishermen about marine violations in cooperation with the environment and water surfaces police and the protectorate administration of the Ministry of Environment.
    • The NGO joins the environment, water surfaces and protectorates police in regular campaigns to spot violations.


    •    Organizing a vet campaign to treat and vaccinate the camels.
    •    Building a camel station big enough for 300 camels.
    •    Produce guide maps with the GPS system for diving and awareness.
    •    Endowing Abu Gallium protectorate with specialist cameras.
    •    Organizing many underwater cleaning campaigns
    •    Arranging various gatherings to co-ordinate between diving centers and the protectorate.
    •    Making a 3d detailed aerial plan for the protectorate as a first step toward establishing a master plan for further development.
    •    Running various marine patrols with cooperation with the protectorate rangers to enforce the environmental laws.
    •    Running a training course on evaluating marine life for the protectorate rangers and researchers.
    •    Funding and carry out an underwater survey to record and document the underwater marine life in the whole protectorate, covering more than 20 km long with collaboration with the marine biology department at Suez University.
    •    Setting four Guiding Signs made of Aluminum to distinguish the possible diving zones within the protectorate. The overall cost was 12000 Egyptian Pounds. This was carried out in cooperation with Friedrich Ebert Foundation.